
Entry Details

Short Name A short name of the interaction partners
Long Name The name of the interaction partners as given in the literature
Additional Information Information regarding the corresponding interaction partner, which did not fit into any other category.
Maintype Molecule category. We assigned all interaction partners one of the following categories: Protein, DNA, RNA, DNA-Oligonucleotide, RNA-Oligonucleotide, Oligopeptide, Chemical compound, Nanobody, Other.
Subtype The purpose of the subtype category entry is to extend the maintype category. Hence, the interaction partner type is described in more detail.
Sequence DNA or Protein sequence of the corresponding interaction partner.
Species Origin of the corresponding interaction partner
Method Method with which the interaction has been measured
Device Device with which the interaction has been measured
Chip Chip with which the interaction has been measured
Software Software name which has been used to analyse the binding interaction
Evaluation Method which has been applied for the binding kinetic analysis
Model Binding kinetic model which has been applied for the binding kinetic analysis
kon Association rate constant
Standard Error kon Standard error of the association rate constant
koff Dissociation rate constant
Standard Error koff Standard error of the dissociation rate constant
KD Dissociation constant
Standard Error KD Standard error of the dissociation constant
Rating 1 Is raw data present? Y=Yes, N=No, X= Not rated
Rating 2 Is the raw data quality good? Y=Yes, N=No, X=Not rated
Rating 3 Are fits shown? Y=Yes, N=No, X=Not rated
Rating 4 Subjective fit quality. G=Good, B=Bad, R=Reasonable, X=Not rated
Comment Specific comments for the given interaction
Position in Article The positon in the scientific article, where most of the information of the corresponding interaction can be found.
Article ID PMC database ID of the article.
Article Title The full length title od the corresponding article
Article Journal Journal of corresponding article
Article DOI Individual artice identifier
Publication Date Date of publication


The KOFFI database can also be accessed using our REST-API. It supports complex queries and will return the results in JASON format.

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API parameter

The returned results from the KOFFI db API will be paginated. Use the “page” parameter to set the page number of the result (e.g. page=2).


Specify the number of search result entries to return on a single page (e.g. page_size=200)


All queries go in here.

Filter generation:
  1. Choose the categories you want to filter. Add two underscores and the term “icontains” followed by an “=” and the term for which to filter.


  2. Wrap the terms in parentheses


  3. Connect the terms with a logical operator. Use “&” for “AND”, “|” for “OR” and “!=” for”NOT”.


  4. URL encode the whole string. Do not encode the underscores.


  5. Complete the API URL

Example 1

Search for the protein Thrombin as partner_A or partner_B and show at least 100 entries per page:

Without URL encoding:|(partner_B__icontains=thrombin)

With URL encoding:

Try it!
Example 2

Search for Thrombin interactions measured with SPR:

Without URL encoding:|(partner_B__icontains=thrombin)%26(method__icontains=spr)

With URL encoding:

Try it!
Example 3

Search for Thrombin interactions and remove all results measured with SPR:

Without URL encoding:|(partner_B__icontains=thrombin)%26(method__icontains!=spr)

With URL encoding:!%3Dspr%29

Try it!

Submit Interactions

Every scientist is welcome to submit interactions for the koffi database. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Check if the relevant paper is not already present in the database by searching for the doi number or PMC number.
  2. Download our submission formular and import the csv file within excel using the data text import function. You can find the formular on the koffi-db homepage or here.
  3. Fill in all relevant fields. One interaction is one row in the document. Rule of thumb: Fill in as many information as possible.
  4. Send the file (.txt or .xlsx) to one of the contacts supplied on the frontpage or send it to:
  5. Note: Every submission will be subject to revision by one of the database admins prior to admission. Accepted files will be filed in one of the future database updates.